Join our House and Land Consultant, Caitlyn, for an Instagram Q&A session this Wednesday 28 April at 6pm. Caitlyn will answer all your burning questions about how and where to find vacant land, our most affordable designs, considerations for a knockdown rebuild, and whatever else has been stumping you with the current housing market.

To get us started, Caitlyn has compiled answers to some of the questions she has received in the last few months.

Q: Is there any land available? If so, where?

Yes, there is! I work closely with real estate agents & developers all over South East Queensland, and have managed to secure blocks for my clients in Gympie, the Sunshine Coast and down to Brisbane. Often when blocks ‘fall over’ i.e. a customer pulls out of their initial hold on a block and developers will reach out to me to give Ausmar a chance to offer it to our qualified buyers.

Q: My block is only 10m x 25m – what are my options?

Lots of options with us! I am currently building my own Brooklyn on my 10mx25m block in Harmony. Best thing about this range of homes is it’s eligible for our Homein8. An 8-week build time sounds too good to be true, but it really is impressive watching it go up. You get into your home much quicker than standard build times which means less time paying for rent and holding costs on the land while you’re building. It’s an all-around win-win!

What’s Ausmar’s cheapest design?

Q: What’s Ausmar’s cheapest design?

Any of our 3 bed, 1 garage, 2 living are our most cost-effective options. We can finish these homes from the $170,000 mark with all the bells & whistles our clients are looking for.

Q: I already have a block with an old house. Can I do a knockdown rebuild?

Absolutely! I think the knockdown rebuild space on the Sunshine Coast is the biggest opportunity for growth and great returns considering the lack of available land in new land estates.

My recommendation if you are considering doing a knockdown is to get in touch with us at the very start of the process. We will be able to look at your current block and site your new floorplan and can discuss the next steps in the process.

I find the biggest misconception about the knock down rebuild space is that you must go down the custom path, which you aren’t required to.  You can choose any of our floorplans from our first series & designer range for your knockdown new build and I can assess to make sure it works on your block & within your budget.

Q: Can I make changes to my plan?

Short answer. Yes you can.

Long answer. Within reason. We have allowable ‘standard changes’ that helps keep the authenticity of our designs, such as moving a window or rearranging a bathroom within the same footprint. We understand that every client is different, and we want to build a home that will suit your needs.

Q: What do I need in case a block becomes available?

Finance Pre Approval

A holding deposit (usually around $1,000)

Be ready to complete the ‘expression of interest’ forms

Q: What is your favourite part of the process when helping a client/s build?

The design process. So many customers come to me deflated going through display villages being told how ‘expensive’ all the upgrades are and that they can’t achieve the house of their dreams. I love finding ways to make it a reality for them without breaking the bank! Our awesome standard inclusions really help with that!).

Q: Can you match another builders price?

Yes absolutely! I compare quotes for my customers all the time. There are big differences in builders inclusions and I can take you through them.

Q: I am a first home buyer & struggling to compare builders.  What should I look for?

Standard inclusions VS base price.

Some builders might have a cheap base price but will give you no inclusions (i.e site works, no LED’s, no insulation, flyscreens or overhead cupboards). These things can all add up pretty quickly. Our base price is stacked with inclusions that you don’t have to pay for down the line.

Contact Caitlyn, our House & Land Consultant to discuss a house and land option that is tailored specifically to you and your lifestyle.

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